I'm SO excited to offer this completely virtual group/semi-private course that is going to bring limitless clarity, support, accountability, AND an introduction to the beautiful,
like-minded humans that ARE the RX community.
We will dive deeper into your personal belief system, daily habits, lifestyle, career, relationships, strengths, TRUE desires/needs, overall happiness, freedom, and BLISS!!! FACT. You do not have to live a life dominated by negative/obsessive thinking, compulsive behaviors, unfulfilling work, unhealthy relationships, or an all-over mindset of LACK. We have the power to retrain our minds, change our behaviors, AND call in all the prosperity and abundance we can handle. This course will create a safe space to open up while providing consistent, loving, supportive accountability. As we share our experiences with others the inspiration will be high and the typical judgment nonexistent. Taking ourselves too seriously will not apply and we will begin to find a way to love and embrace all aspects of the magical human beings we are.
Yes, this work takes some honesty. Yes, this work takes some time. Yes, this work will require some energy. Yes, this work will require some action. My questions to you are, how many hours do you spend disliking certain aspects of yourself and the life you have currently created? How many nights are you unable to sleep because of stress, regret, shame, and discontent? When will what you're doing no longer be enough to sustain you? When will you decide that you are worth more, deserve more, and BELIEVE you have everything within you to create more?
This course is for you if:
You find yourself stuck in a habitual behavior/ thinking/perspective/
energetic loop that is no longer serving you.You find yourself engaging in relationships that are unhealthy, draining, and unsupportive.
You never seem to have enough, there is an underlying feeling of lack or just trying to “get by.”
You struggle with confidence in your relationships, career, and when communicating your needs and desires.
You simply want more self-love, self-acceptance, fun, joy, enthusiasm, freedom, and memorable experiences.
You want a better understanding of yourself, why you operate the way you do, and how to adjust accordingly.
New Appreciation for Your Life.
You will leave this short but life-changing course with a new understanding and appreciation for who you are and your life experiences.
Get Clear on the Next Steps.
You will understand and be clear on how to take action steps that will allow you to take full responsibility for yourself and your life.
Self-Compassion & Love.
The confusion, fear, shame, regret, and self-sabotage will be surrendered and replaced with
compassion and love.
Elevate Your Thinking.
We will create daily habits & rituals that support our new way of thinking, believing,
and ultimately our elevation.
The End of Excuses.
Excuses, blame, pessimism, lack, and victim mentality will no longer fit.
A New Relationship with You.
The relationship with yourself will begin the experience of becoming whole, loving, and complete. This love will flow over into all other relationships, your health, honesty, openness, career, finances,
and overall well-being.